Month: May 2024

Fruit Update – 5/23/24


Carbohydrate Model:

There have been lots of questions rolling in about thinning this week. Just to reiterate, temperatures over 70°F are great for thinning.

For those of you who are worried about overthinning, this model will let you know when you are in danger of overthinning (See image below). If anyone is unsure, I’m happy to run the models for you and let you know what they say about your specific location and conditions. You’ll need to provide your green-tip date, bloom date, and percent flowering spurs. The model can be found at:

Read the full update.

Fruit Update – 5/9/24


Below is the updated Fireblight Risk calculation. It hasn’t changed much since I last shared it, with our high-risk period ending tomorrow. The frustrating part is that the predicted rain this week hasn’t always happened. Yet, it is certainly better to be covered in these uncertain periods. Still, I’m hearing from multiple sources that Strep may be in short supply. For those of you with very limited quantities left, you’ll need to be calculated with your applications. Feel free to reach out when you have questions.

Read the full update.